Jason & Kathi Berga, New Gloucester, ME

We praise God for a new lady coming to our fellowship.

During Covid she began to listen to some really good preachers online and gravitated towards Spurgeon and MacArthur. She realized she needed to be in a fellowship, especially as her faith caused her family members to disavow her. She called the church and I invited her to join us for our services.

She honestly has been like a kid in Disneyland and it is so refreshing to see. You cannot wipe the smile off of her face. She even began to attend Kathi’s Bible study and she is just loving it and told me last Sunday how much she gets out of it.

I praise God that she was able to find us and really look forward to how God is going to use us in her life, and her in the life of the church through the years to come.

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