Tim & Fern Wyrick, Springview, NE

Springview is a village of 240 people in north-central Nebraska, where the Sandhills meet the Niobrara River canyons. Our community is almost entirely agriculturally based and even those not directly involved in ranching or farming work in some kind of agriculture support field. There are also many that come to the area to take advantage of the many opportunities for recreation and fantastic hunting. Our church draws from several of the surrounding towns and communities.  Covid made it tough to gather in fellowship as a body and thus for people to get to know new members.

PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray that we’d be able to find ways to facilitate fellowship in 2021.  Pray that we would be wise and God would show us how we should deal with space limitations and building needs as the church family grows.  Pray that we would always consciously be training the next generation of church leaders.

(New Hope Community Church, PO Box 348, Springview, NE 68778 (402)497-3884)

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