Doug & Sally Johnson, Pickstown, SD

We hold services in two nursing homes. Some of the residents eagerly look forward to our visits. We enjoy getting to know them and brightening their day with a good Biblical message and hymns they remember from their childhood.

Recently two residents placed their faith in Jesus Christ. Denny showed great interest in our services, and when his health began failing, he talked to Doug about salvation. He has more peace and joy since that day. Perry is a former rodeo rider. Seeing him come to Christ was a wonderful encouragement!

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Jim & Brenda Harkabus, Lakehead, CA

In the foothills of northern California, this small-town church has ministries to share the gospel and to help believers grow in Christ.

Rick & Stephanie Sherman, Lookingglass, OR

“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another…” (Psalm 145:3-4).