Village Missionary Ed Peters shares his call to missions–why he chose to become a missionary in a rural church, and the ramifications of that choice. This bulletin insert can be downloaded for your use by clicking the icon at left.
A Call to Missions
As a teenager, I remember hearing missionaries give reports of unique stories on the mission fields of the world. I wondered what it would be like to be in some of those situations. Fast-forward a few years. we got married, had 2 children and felt God calling us to Bible college. As we heard more missionary stories and appeals from organizations, we sensed God calling us to missions—the destination was still a mystery.
Then came a significant moment: in our final year of studies, the syllabus required a research paper that would compare three mission organizations in specific areas.
We had heard of Village Missions and met the District Representative, Castle Thompson…my curiosity had been piqued. In my research I came across a V.M. brochure that mentioned that a significant number of missionaries in the world, at that time, had come out of rural North American churches. It was like a light came on in my mind! If that statistic continued to be true, and if we became missionaries in a rural church and sent out 1 couple, that would be the equivalent of us having gone out as foreign missionaries. If we sent out 2 or more, we would have doubled our influence for Christ and so on.
The Results of the Call
Over these 35 years in rural ministry, we have been blessed to send out many missionaries to various places in the world and to be part of a church that sees mission support as a priority. We look back in awe to see how God has blessed that vision!
While we are grateful that God has used us to send missionaries to foreign fields, we can say with conviction that rural North America needs missionaries, too. And ministry in rural areas has its fair share of adventure!
Adventure in Rural Missions
Not long after arriving on our first field, we received an invitation to have lemonade at a lady’s home. The 5-acre property was covered with junk. Her home, a small camper, sat in the middle of a little open space that had a few stumps to sit on and a make-shift table. At the edge two very aggressive German Shepherds were chained to a large dog- house. Our son wandered a bit, and one of the dogs lunged. The whole dog-house to bounced forward a few feet. After that, our son was content to come and sit with us! We learned later that she trained those dogs to be aggressive to protect her property.
After chatting for a few moments, she went into her camper and came out with glasses and a pitcher of what she called lemonade. We drank it, trusting that God would cleanse any impurities. Then we realized that in many aspects, this was like being in a tribal region in some foreign country. God reaffirmed that He wanted us to serve Him in a rural church in Canada, and we are so grateful!
In 35 years of service, churches served by Ed & Ruth Peters sent out at least 9 missionaries/missionary families.
Ed & Ruth Peters have served 35 years with Village Missions, 27 have been at their present rural setting in Garrington, Alberta. They have been married for 45 years and are the parents of 3 grown children and 11 grandchildren.