David & Sheila McIlroy, Starbuck, WA

We experienced an unplanned outreach. Dave wanted to get a group together to do something for Valentine’s Day for me (Sheila). He checked out a local restaurant, but it wasn’t going to be open. Undaunted, Dave and our friends decided to cook a dinner at the church for a few couples. Well, at the end of the day we invited the whole town. Thirty-eight people came, and we enjoyed a delicious meal. Several of the guests had never been in our church. After dinner, we played a game, and everyone had a great time.

One lady loved the idea and decided to do it again. This time 45 people came! Now we’re thinking of doing this once a month. Praise the Lord for this good outreach. Many who don’t attend church are becoming comfortable with being in our church building and getting to know us and the church family!

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