Guy & Geni Shields, Sunnyside, OR

We resumed a monthly sports outreach for kids. On the first night, 33 kids ages 3-12 came. We’re very thankful for the volunteers spearheading this ministry! They show a video clip of a Christian athlete sharing a testimony or encouraging words of faith. The kids play an organized game. The evening ends with a Bible lesson on topics such as the armor of God.

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Jim & Brenda Harkabus, Lakehead, CA

In the foothills of northern California, this small-town church has ministries to share the gospel and to help believers grow in Christ.

Rick & Stephanie Sherman, Lookingglass, OR

“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another…” (Psalm 145:3-4).