Tim & Barb Douglass, Monitor, OR

Monitor Bible Church is located just outside the nearly non-existent town of Monitor, southeast of Portland and northeast of Salem. This part of the Willamette Valley is a mix of farms, towns, industry, and people of every imaginable background. Our ministry area is broad and loosely defined – the church draws people from 11 different ZIP codes. We continue to draw people who are looking for a loving church family where the Word of God is faithfully and carefully taught.


  1. Pray for the people in the church and us that we will be able to see open doors to reach people with the Gospel.
  2. Ask the Lord to continue to raise up a new generation of leaders and teachers. We want to have a strong church for however long the Lord tarries.
  3. Pray that Barb and I remain physically strong. We have had a lot of small health issues over the last couple of years, and there is still work to do!
  4. Praise God for a church that loves the Lord, one another, and the Word!

Monitor Bible Church, 34611 S Barlow Rd. Woodburn, OR 97071. (541) 410-8165

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