Travis & Jennifer Cochran, Vesta, WA

North River Community Church is in southwest Washington in the heart of a densely forested community locally referred to as North River. We are 9 miles down a country road from scenic coastal highway 101. We have no incorporated town, but there is a small K-12 school, a tavern, a grange, and a Christian camp. Local employment opportunities include logging, forestry, and various fishing industries. Many in our area are retired. Most of our small congregation live along an 18-mile stretch of road that functions as “a long driveway we all share.” There are no other churches for at least 25-30 minutes in any direction.


  1. Our community experienced a devastating flood in January. As a result, we’ve done major repairs on the church and parsonage. We praise God for His provision of funds and resources! Please pray that the Lord will use the winter months to refresh our congregation and us physically and spiritually.
  2. Pray for new opportunities to reach out to folks in the valley and for spiritually open eyes and hearts to respond to the Gospel.
  3. Our family welcomed a baby in October; please pray as my wife and I and our other five children adjust to this new family dynamic!
  4. We host a free community harvest meal each November at nearby Shiloh Bible Camp. Please pray for the Lord to use this outreach to open doors to deeper relationships with our neighbors.

North River Community Church, 1519 N. River Rd, Cosmopolis, WA 98537. (360) 533-1587

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