Eleanor & Arnold Tracey, Village Missions of Canada, Office Administrator & Program Coordinators

Eleanor is the Office Administrator at the office in Mission, B.C. In addition, she and Arnold implemented and oversee two VM programs across the country. As the Ambassador Program Coordinator, Eleanor coordinates VM Ambassadors who help introduce people and churches to the ministry of VM. Arnold directs the Church-to-Church Connections ministry that helps rural churches receive help from larger churches or missions teams.


  1. Please pray that God would go before us and direct us to the right individuals and churches.
  2. Pray that our connections will have a far-reaching impact and be an encouragement and practical support to our Missionary Pastors.
  3. Several churches outside of VM are considering sending a team to help with summer outreaches and VBS programs. Pray that we work out the details in a timely manner.

Village Missions of Canada, PO Box 3400 Mission, BC V2V 4J5

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