Paul & Robin Crabtree, Manton, CA

Manton is near 10,000-foot Mt. Lassen and is at about 3,500 feet. Logging and sawmills are history here, but the beautiful trees remain. Manton Community Church is on the main road. We are within walking distance of the cemetery, post office, museum and school (that we are leasing to purchase). We are part of a strong community, and our involvement is appreciated. Our population of 300 explodes with the annual Manton Apple Festival, where our church shares the Gospel with children and families.


  1. Pray for our VBS to continue to be fruitful.
  2. Pray for the lost in our community and in our church.
  3. Pray for all to join us in reading through the Bible this year with The Bible Recap program.

Manton Community Church, PO Box 558, Manton, CA 96059. (530) 474-5156

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