Nick & Sarah Picklesimer, Coram, MT

Coram is a small town near Glacier National Park. It is a quiet little town in the winter, but the population quadruples in summer. Canyon Community Church shines the light of the Gospel and has one of the most loving congregations I have ever met. Many in our region suffer from drug and alcohol abuse and need the hope of Christ.


  1. Praise the Lord for a replacement for the mold-damaged parsonage. Pray for the final projects to be quickly completed!
  2. Praise God for providing financially in ways that are nothing short of a miracle!
  3. Pray for VBS this year. We desire to reach the community through the kids.
  4. Pray for our church to grow spiritually as we seek to impact the area for Christ.

Canyon Community Church, PO Box 130044, Coram, MT 59913. (406) 387-9452

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