Village Missions

Cowboy Pastor

There’s nothing quite like being a cowboy pastor. While you are explaining a passage from the Gospel of John, you are also helping a rancher brand his cattle!

A cowboy pastor has a unique ministry that combines his passion for God’s Word with his knowledge of ranching, horseshoeing, and agriculture.

And it’s in this intersection where a cowboy pastor reaches the folks in his community with the gospel.

Rod Nikkel rides a horse while working cattle near his church in Golden Prairie, SK.
2024 fixing farm equipment min

Lend A Hand

A cowboy pastor spends most of his time outside of the church, usually on local ranches and farms. Some of your greatest theological discussions will happen as you are repairing a tractor or helping round up cattle!

The ministry of a cowboy pastor has a dual focus: preaching and serving the congregation entrusted to you and building relationships with folks out in the country.

Way of Life

Farming and ranching communities are often isolated, close-knit, and proud of their way of life. If you understand the culture and strive to become one of them, over time you will build trust and relationships with the people.

A cowboy pastor’s success in ministry depends on their willingness to understand the rural lifestyle and meet the people where they are.

Cowboy pastors listen and seek to understand people where they are at.
2024 Canadian Farm min

Embrace the Distance

Often, luxuries are far away when you live in the country. Your neighbours are spread out in all directions. You may have to drive an hour away to the nearest gas station, grocery store, or hospital.

Patience, endurance, and a love for the rural lifestyle are crucial for a cowboy pastor. Without these virtues, burnout is nearby. However, for the committed pastor who stays to minister in this often isolated and lonely mission field, you will have a front row seat as you watch God move in miraculous ways.

Examples of Rural Opportunities

Each community where a cowboy pastor serves will have their own ministry opportunities. But here are few common ways:

  • Processing, branding and rounding up cattle
  • Helping farmers with the harvest
  • Participating at the local rodeo
  • Hunting or fishing with folks from the area
Cowboy pastors help alongside people on area ranches and farms.

Do you have a burden for reaching cowboys and ranchers for Jesus?

Do you love the country way of living? Village Missions might be a perfect fit for you! Use the form below to begin the process of becoming a Village Missionary pastor or intern!

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The Village Missionary candidate must be able to show legal authorization to work in the US or Canada. It is not our practice to assist in the process of immigration.

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