Thank you for your interest in the ministry of Village Missions.
Your partnership is important to the work that God is doing in rural Canada.

If mailing a cheque is not possible, we suggest using E-transfer as the best alternative.

There are several ways that you can give to Village Missions:

Mailing a Check

Mail a Cheque to:

Village Missions of Canada
PO Box 3400
Mission, BC V2V 4J5

If this is your first time giving to Village Missions, please add a separate note
providing your phone number and an email if you have one. No sticky notes or
staples please. Also note designation (ie. General Fund, or missionary Project #)


E-transfers - send to:

Please add a message to your e-transfer with your designation (ie General Fund,
Missionary Project #XXXX) Your bank may charge you a small fee (usually $1.50
per e-transfer). You can also email a separate email with any additional info to the
office at:


Pre-authorized giving plan (automatic withdrawal from your bank account)

Our Pre-Authorized Giving Plan allows your monthly gift to automatically be
withdrawn from your bank account and deposited to Village Missions of Canada.
You can withdraw from this plan at any time by contacting us in writing. Please fill
out the authorization form and provide a cheque marked VOID and mail, or scan
and email the form, and void cheque to the office.


Credit Card

Click here to go to our giving webpage where you can make a one-time credit card contribution or set up regular monthly giving by credit card. Just enter the amount you wish to contribute and click "Give". You will be asked to fill in all the information on the next page.

All donor gifts will be used to fund the work and ministry of Village Missions of Canada in accordance with its policies.

At the discretion of Village Missions, designated gifts will be used where most needed when funding exceeds objectives or when the project cannot be carried out.

Charitable donation receipts are emailed (mailed if no email provided) annually.

Questions? Please call our toll-free number: 1-866-885-3885