Rod & Denise Nikkel, Golden Prairie, SK

Golden Prairie is in the extreme southwest corner of Saskatchewan, in a prairieland farming and ranching area. As farms and ranches have gotten bigger, the population has dropped dramatically over the last decades. While most farmers and ranchers in the area have been on the land for generations, most of the town residents (under 50 years old) have been here only a few years, so there are two very different populations in our area. While Golden Prairie Community Church (GPCC) joined VM in 2018 and we arrived July 2019, 2020 was the 75th anniversary of our church.

PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for unity and growth, spiritual and numerical, in our small church. Please pray for our online ministry, started with Covid, including a new children’s video ministry which is reaching more people than have ever come to the church since we have been here. Please pray for community people to see Christ in the congregation, and that GPCC will be a light for Christ in the community. Please pray for wisdom regarding possible in-person children’s ministry this summer.

(Golden Prairie Community Church, Box 75, Golden Prairie, SK S0N 0Y0, Canada  (306) 662-3802)

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