Alan & Bonnie Klein, Sutherlands River, N.S.

This part of Novia Scotia used to be a significant coal mining area. Sutherlands River is more of a geographic area than a town. Many people commute to New Glasgow. Michelin (tires) and Sobeys (groceries) are the biggest employers in our area. Tourism is also an important part of our economy.


  1. We have weathered COVID-19 fairly well in our church and community, but we we need the Lord’s direction for the future. Pray for wisdom.
  2. Pray for our young people to become grounded and established in their faith.
  3. We are seeking to fill some leadership positions; please pray for faithful and godly leadership for our church.
  4. Please pray for open doors to share the Gospel with the communities around us.

Freedom Bible Church, Box 224, Thorburn, N.S. B0K 1W0, CANADA  tel. (902) 922-2510

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