This part of Novia Scotia used to be a significant coal mining area. Sutherlands River is more of a geographic area than a town. Many people commute to New Glasgow. Michelin (tires) and Sobeys (groceries) are the biggest employers in our area. Tourism is also an important part of our economy.
- We have weathered COVID-19 fairly well in our church and community, but we we need the Lord’s direction for the future. Pray for wisdom.
- Pray for our young people to become grounded and established in their faith.
- We are seeking to fill some leadership positions; please pray for faithful and godly leadership for our church.
- Please pray for open doors to share the Gospel with the communities around us.
Freedom Bible Church, Box 224, Thorburn, N.S. B0K 1W0, CANADA tel. (902) 922-2510