Tim & Kelley Kirschner, Breezewood, PA

Breezewood is set in a beautiful mountain area right between 2 major highways and is a rest stop for weary travelers. The population is about 1,400. Residents either farm, work at the truck stops or rely on government assistance. Our goal as the Body of Christ is to love our community so that they might come to know Christ! We do that through six annual outreach events: we start the year with a Youth Retreat, then Easter Egg Hunt weekend, end-of-the-school-year Backyard Bible Club, community Worship @ the River picnic, Trunk or Treat, and finally a Christmas Eve Candlelight service.


  1. Pray that our community would be open to hearing the gospel.
  2. Pray that our church body would continue to grow in God’s Word!
  3. Pray for Kelley and me as we adjust to a new phase of life – we became empty nesters this year. We miss our ministry sidekicks, although the cheaper lunch costs are nice!

Breezewood Community Church, PO Box 79, Breezewood, PA  15533 tel. (814) 735-4593

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