Gary & Patsy Semenyna, District Representatives, East/West District, Canada

Our district covers British Columbia in the western part of the country as well as Ontario and Nova Scotia in the eastern part of Canada. We look after 14 churches. We are blessed to see a wide variety of countryside as we travel to our fields: we go through farmland, ranches, lots of trees and, of course, the mountains. The churches are as diverse as the country we live in, and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve them.


  1. We have just finished our first year as DRs. Please pray for us as we build relationships with the missionary pastor couples and the churches. Pray that we are sensitive and discerning as we care for the missionary couples.
  2. Thank God for His wisdom as we raise our 16-year-old son.

Semenynas, Box 89, Wasa, BC  V0B 2K0, CANADA (250) 464-0471

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