David & Sheila McIlroy, Starbuck, WA

We are in southeastern Washington, in ranching and wheat country. The wheat goes to the elevator and is then taken by barge down the Snake River to Portland and to the world. Some of our people are employed at the dams and grain elevator on the Snake River.


  1. We are an older congregation with a few young families. Our older people are having more health issues and need more assistance. Please pray that we will be able to help with these needs. We are also experiencing health problems ourselves.
  2. Pray that we would also be fresh and ready to meet the needs of the younger generation.
  3. There is a growing drug problem in our area, and we need wisdom in dealing with the resulting issues.
  4. Pray that we would have spiritually mature people to lead our fall Bible studies.

Starbuck Community Church, PO Box 277, Starbuck, WA 99359. (509) 399-2259

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