Bryan & Stephanie Tripp, Yale, WA

Yale is in Southwest Washington at the foot of Mt. St. Helens. We are in a beautiful area that draws many visitors. As the only church in the area, we have a strategic opportunity to reach residents and people fleeing the more densely populated areas.


  1. We praise the Lord for some new families that have started attending our church.
  2. We also praise the Lord for the great attendance at our after-school Good News Club. Pray that we can foster further connections with the families of our Good News Club. Pray that as a congregation, we will be a strong family that is welcoming to these new connections within the greater local community.
  3. Pray that God would give us wisdom about which areas of discipleship to focus on to develop growth in believers’ lives.
  4. Pray for us as we minister to the aging members of our congregation who have various health problems.

Pleasant View Community Church, 14756 Lewis River Rd, Ariel, WA 98603. (360) 231-4287

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