Terry Hoeft, Sumner, OR

Sumner is 10 miles southeast of Coos Bay on the Oregon Coast. Surrounded by farmland and the forests of the coast range, Sumner was a key waypoint for pioneers heading to the coast. The main industries are farming, logging, and tourism.


  1. Sumner Community Church is one of several churches that run Camp Fircroft for the month of July. This camp ministers to approximately 280 kids a year. Pray we can reach those who come.
  2. Please pray that we can reach people in our community and that more young families join us.
  3. I am a volunteer firefighter and chaplain with the local fire department. Please pray that the other chaplains and I would meet the spiritual needs of the firefighters and first responders.

Sumner Community Church, 95099 Stevens Ln, Coos Bay, OR 97420. (541) 269-0384

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