An Evening with Village Missions - Join us to HEAR what God is DOING and how You can be INVOLVED!

Doug & Sally Johnson, Pickstown, SD

This is the second year of our “wood ministry” – an outreach to the recreational crowd that swells to large numbers each summer. Doug prepares bundles of wood just right for a family at a campsite. He includes in each one a sealed bag with a church brochure, copies of “Daily Bread” and “More than a Carpenter,” and a Peace with God tract. Then we head to Fort Randal Recreation Area on the Missouri River and North Point Recreation Area on Frances Chase Lake. We drive around and offer a free bundle of wood to each family we see at a campsite. We tell them we are from the Pickstown church and invite them to a worship service. Last year Doug distributed 120 bundles, and several families visited our church as a result. So far this year, we’ve given away 45 bundles.

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