Trevor & Renee Elias, Binscarth, MB, Canada

Binscarth is on the western border of Manitoba, along the 16 Trans-Canada Highway. The main occupation is potash mining. Some people farm.


  1. Praise God that two men will be baptized this summer! Please pray for them as they grow in their faith and serve God’s Church.
  2. We have been praying for young people and families to join the church for a while. We are excited that a couple of young adults recently started attending! Please pray that the church will encourage them and help grow their faith.
  3. Last year, we started a youth group. Pray that it would be an effective tool in reaching the youth in our area.

Binscarth Christian Assembly, Box 309, Binscarth, MB R0J 0G0, CANADA. (204) 847-2026

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