Matthew & Jennifer Johnson, Morton, WA

Morton is primarily a logging and mill town. However, due to the junction of three highways, this small town (pop. 1,036) also has a hospital, car dealership, and multiple stores. Morton is known for its annual Loggers Jubilee. As is typical of the Northwest, the percentage of those who know Christ is low. We arrived in June 2023 and have made many connections through the schools, theater program, sports, coffee time, and our recent VBS – the first one in Morton in many years.


  1. Please pray as we add new members and leadership team members.
  2. Pray for our men’s breakfast and women’s Bible study — that participants would be discipled and grow in their faith.
  3. Pray for us as we reach out to the community through activities such as Family Game and Movie Nights.
  4. Pray as we launch a youth ministry.

Morton Community Bible Congregation, PO Box 382, Morton, WA 98356. (360) 496-6887

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