Jim & Pam Canady, Sheridan Lake, CO

Sheridan Lake is on the high plains of Colorado, about 14 miles from the Kansas border. Our community has a dry lakebed, except for a few days after an occasional good rain. This is tumbleweed and sagebrush country. Most of the people in our area are dryland farmers, hardworking, and salt-of-the-earth people. A few have cattle, but that number is diminishing because the cold winters make raising cattle difficult.


  1. Please pray that God draws people to the church where they will hear the Good News of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who takes away the world’s sin.
  2. Pray that God will bring a revival in our area for His glory.
  3. Pray that God would guide us in relaunching men’s ministry and beginning a young married couples’ Bible study.
  4. Pray for wisdom in helping people struggling with addiction or with deep anxiety.

Sheridan Lake Bible Church, PO Box 1238, Sheridan Lake, CO 81071. (719) 729-3514

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