An Evening with Village Missions - Join us to HEAR what God is DOING and how You can be INVOLVED!

Tim & Bonnie Goold, Hillside, OR

Hillside Bible Church is located in Forest Grove, Oregon. All the expertise of Portland is just an hour east, while the grandeur of the Pacific Ocean is an hour west. The community is nestled among the beauty of acreage covered with filbert orchards, blueberry crops, wheat & corn fields and towering pines.


This precious, committed body of believers are on the verge of breaking ground for their new church building! They are continually seeking the Lord for clear direction in every detail involved in developing this structure designed to offer an honorable place of worship and spiritual growth. We are so thankful for the multiple ways the Lord has abundantly provided and blessed over these two years since the fire. This is a transition time for the church, as gathering isn’t as it once was, nor what it will be until the building is complete. Please pray that the faith and sweet bond this congregation shares in knowing Christ only continually grows stronger as each one draws closer to the Lord individually and as a church family. Bonnie and I have been privileged to serve here for half of our 42 years of ministry, but come this August, we will be retiring and moving to Montana. May each of us pray like Paul in Acts 20: 24, “that I may finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.”

(Hillside Bible Church, 49860 NW Clapshaw Hill Rd, Forest Grove, OR 97116)

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