An Evening with Village Missions - Join us to HEAR what God is DOING and how You can be INVOLVED!

Terry & Jane Baskin, Grindrod, B.C.

Our church has no teenagers, so we have been pleading with the Lord to allow us to minister to some youth this fall. As of the night before our first youth meeting, we knew of one teen who planned to come. The Lord wonderfully answered our prayers, though, and 8 youth and 7 leaders showed up! Now between 8-12 youth come each week. Half of them come from non-Christian families.

One evening I gave a very simple devotional on “The Bible and Prayer.” The teens listened attentively and asked many important questions. It was so exciting! We prolonged our meeting by half an hour just to provide brief answers for all of them.

Sometimes we wonder if God’s work is being stifled by all that is going on around us. What a joy to see evidence that He is still very much at work in people’s hearts!

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