Mike & Mati Winters, Mackay, ID

Mackay is located about 4 hours northeast of Boise.  It is a ranching community with a population of a little over 500 people.  In the last couple years, it has developed into a retirement community.  Our school district encompasses the outlying ranches and farms and has a student enrollment of around 250.  Mackay is situated in the middle of mountains and is a popular destination for ATVs, hunters, and recreational camping.


  1. Pray for balance in our community.  In the last year and a half, there has been a big change as the young work force dwindles and many retired folks move here for a more rural lifestyle.
  2. Like many other communities, we have seen a decrease in available workers.  Pray that the workforce would be found to cover some very vital jobs in our community, in our school district, and in other services around the town.
  3. Pray that we would have opportunities to minister and share the Gospel of God’s Grace to new arrivals in our community.
  4. Please pray for growth in the people of Mackay Community Church as we love the people of our community.

Mackay Community Church, PO Box 87, Mackay, ID  83251  tel. (208) 588-2828)

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