An Evening with Village Missions - Join us to HEAR what God is DOING and how You can be INVOLVED!

Don & Brenda Wood, Manderson, WY

We are located in the high desert of the Big Horn Basin, west of the Big Horn Mountains and not far from the east gate of Yellowstone National Park. Manderson, population 114, is surrounded by ranches and irrigated farms. We have been here for 24 years and have raised our children here. All four of our grown children live near us and are involved in the church. We are blessed to have close relationships with the people of Cloud Peak Bible Church, who come from several neighboring communities. They are a friendly, down-to-earth group who welcome any stranger who walks through our doors.


  1. Please pray that the Lord would continue to give us creative ways to minister to the people of the Manderson community.
  2. Pray that we would be a light that draws the unsaved who need to place their hope in Christ Jesus.
204 North Sherman Avenue, Manderson, WY 82432  tel. (307) 568-2822)

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