Mark & Rebecca Bueckert, Ryley, AB

First I want to say I am happy about being busy. For the last couple years, it was hard just to keep things open and going. But now life is busy again, and I promised myself I would be grateful!
  • It seems every week there is an event or program that needs extra attention and planning.
  • It is great to be invited out to visit people and to bump into people in town and sit down to a coffee.
  • Before the pandemic we had 12 kids coming to youth group. Now nearly 30 come each week. What a blessing!
  • We took 10 of our teens to a youth retreat for the first time in a couple years. I’m not sure who was more excited to be there, the kids or the leaders. It was a great weekend! The kids had a blast, they learned so much, and it led to some great devos and talks.
  • One Thursday at AWANA, 3 kids placed their faith in Jesus. Week after week we hope we are getting through, and then the Lord does His work, and we have the privilege of being part of it.

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