Caleb & Jennifer Palmer, Ono-Igo, CA

The Ono-Igo area (pop. 700) includes an elementary school, a post office, a volunteer fire station, the Northern California Veterans Cemetery, and a store/bar. We are located 11 miles west of the city of Redding (pop. 92,000). Due to our proximity to the Veteran’s Cemetery, ministry to the grieving has played a large role in our ministry. Our field has people from birth to retirees and from all walks of life.


  1. Our community was devastated by fire in 2020. Multiple homes and four lives were lost, three of whom were family members of folks in our church. Please pray for residents who are still trying to rebuild their homes and lives while dealing with grief.
  2. Pray for our church as they reach out to neighbors with God’s love.

Ono-Igo Community Church, PO Box 292, Igo, CA  96047 (530) 396-2277

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