Inchelium is located eighty miles northwest of Spokane, WA. To access the town, we must cross the Columbia River via a ferry or travel 31 miles north on curvy river roads to reach Kettle Falls, WA. The church ministers to residents of the Colville Reservation and those who work in the local school and surrounding area.
- Pray for our youth group and for us as we minister to the needs of the students.
- Inchelium Community Church recently received a semi-load of lumber for building a couple of storage buildings. Praise God! Please pray for wisdom for the church on how best to use this gift and the building process.
- We needed to replace a large window on the west side of the church. Praise the Lord that the church was able to raise the finances and that a contractor completed the window replacement.
Inchelium Community Church, PO Box 123, Inchelium, WA 99138. (509) 722-5131