Paul DeVall, Wrenshall, MN

Wrenshall is about 20 miles south of Duluth, MN. Duluth and Superior, WI, are the westernmost ports of the Great Lakes. Many products, including iron ore, wheat, and other grains, are shipped through these Twin Ports. Many Wrenshall area residents work in Duluth. Wrenshall also has several dairy farms and a pipeline terminal where fuel trucks receive and transport gasoline and diesel fuel.


  1. June 18 will mark the one-year anniversary of my wife’s (Denise) death. Pray for the church and for me as we continue to work through the grieving process.
  2. August 7-11 will be our VBS. Every year around 50 children come, and some years nearly 200 people from the community attend our end-of-VBS program and picnic.
  3. Pray for continued connections in the community, which lead to opportunities to share the Gospel.

Sonlife Community Church, PO Box 153, Wrenshall, MN 55797. (218) 384-4760

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