Darren & Shiloh Goetz, Gold River, BC

Gold River is on Vancouver Island, west of Campbell River along Hwy 28. We are nestled into the mountains about 15 minutes from the Pacific Ocean. Most people are employed by the local schools or in logging, fishing, or remote work. Christian Fellowship Church was planted in 1969 when the community of Gold River was established.


  1. Pray that we will all mature in our walk with the Lord and grow in our love for one another.
  2. We thank God for the opportunities He has provided to preach the Gospel in our community. Please pray for even more opportunities and increased courage.
  3. Please pray for those in our church who are sick or who have sick loved ones.

Christian Fellowship Church, Box 229, Gold River, BC  V0P 1G0, CANADA. (250) 283-7241

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