James & Amanda Puffer, Morton, WA

Morton is nestled in the Washington Cascades along Highway 12. We have multiple active lumber mills, which keep many living in town employed year-round. Visitors enjoy the mountains and lakes which offer a variety of outdoor activities. Yet, while we have employment and activities, there is still a great need for the Gospel to be preached biblically. The number of churches to carry out this task is dwindling.

PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for those that we are discipling now to stay hungry for the Word of God and have a desire to serve. Pray for more young families with children to come as we are the only family with children at the church. Pray for us to recognize potential leaders as we invest in relationships in the church. Pray for our current attendees to continue to contend for the faith and grow in the knowledge of God’s love.

(Morton Community Bible Congregation, PO Box 382, Morton, WA 98356 (360)496-6887)

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