Jeff & Nydia Black, Halsey, OR

Halsey is located 23 miles north of Eugene, Oregon. Our city of 900 is a hub for many grass seed farmers, loggers, and commuters to the larger cities like Albany, Corvallis, and Eugene. Our church is a mix of local town folk and commuters from out-of-town, looking for a strong Biblical teaching.


PRAYER REQUESTS: 1) Pray for new believers, who were baptized in April, that their testimonies will lead extended family members to seek Christ for themselves. 2) Pray for our discipleship of married couples with small children who are seeking to raise their families in the care and nurture of Christ. 3) Pray that Nydia and I may be winsome and effective in homeschooling our two grandsons Emmitt (10) and Kasen (6).

(Grace Bible Community Church, PO Box 143, Halsey, OR 97348 (541) 220-1902)

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