Stephen & Debbie May, Meadview, AZ

Meadview Community Church is at the southern end of Lake Mead in the heart of the Meadview Recreational Area between Las Vegas, NV and Kingman, AZ.  It is a growing community that consists primarily of retirees along with some younger families.

PRAYER REQUESTS:  Please pray for us as people begin “THE RETURN” to church since Covid-19 began last year.  We have had numerous deaths and people move away, so the congregation will be different.  Please pray that the Spirit would move in the hearts of people that are being discipled or attending our Basic Bible Class, causing them to grow spiritually.  Pray also that we would grow in our boldness to share Christ with our community.

Meadview Community Church, PO Box 128, Meadview, AZ 86444
(928) 564-2411

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