The Village Missions International Service Center (ISC) is in the historic farm town of Dallas, Oregon, and is surrounded by grass seed farms, hazelnut and fruit orchards, and vineyards. While Dallas is significantly larger than most communities served by Village Missions, it still has a small-town feel.
- The VM headquarters hosts six essential gatherings on location each year: two Board Meetings, two Meetings with District Representatives, and two Candidate Schools. These events involve significant decisions with mission-wide effects and determine which new missionaries will serve with us. Pray for God’s direction and His wisdom in decision-making.
- Pray for increased opportunities to connect with future ministry partners. God has a new generation of people who will partner with us in this vital work, but we need to discover ways to connect with them.
- We anticipate a joyful celebration this fall: our daughter is marrying a wonderful godly man in December. It has been a joy to watch Callie and Logan follow God’s lead in their relationships since they first met. Pray for them as wedding preparations conclude and they begin life together just before Christmas.
Village Missions, PO Box 197, Dallas, OR 97338 tel. (800) 617-9905