Caleb & Amy Walker, Sierraville, CA

Sitting at nearly 5,000 feet, the Sierra Valley consists mostly of cattle ranches. Many families have ranched (or logged) here for generations, but there are also commuters who work less than an hour away in Truckee or Lake Tahoe. Sierraville Community Church sits along a main road that runs from I-80 up to popular hiking and biking trails and the “Lakes Basin.”



  1. Pray for fruit to come from our Vacation Bible School. We would love to see many new families develop connections to our church.
  2. Pray for God to open doors for our church family to share the Good News with their relatives, friends, and neighbors.
  3. Pray that all the saints of SCC would have a single passion to bring glory to God.

Sierraville Community Church, PO Box 254, Sierraville, CA 96126. (530) 994-3708

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